четвъртък, 31 януари 2019 г.

Taurus card reading horoscope 1-7 February 2019

Love: An optimistic forecast regarding love for you!

Career: There will be a surprise for you from your colleagues!

Health: Overall health will be stable for you. You may need to do more physical exercises and more walks in general.

Family: Some confrontations with an elderly man from the family are possible.

Money and prosperity: Good financial flow in your direction. Beware of jealousy. If you have a family business of some sort it will be prosperous.

Advice: Don`t get too fiery. Control your temper. 

Sagittarius card reading horoscope 1-7 February 2019

Love: Much love and happiness coming your way these days!

Career: Don`t overestimate your colleagues. You will be surprised how much support you can get from them.

Health: You have been marked by the fate with good overall health these days. However, beware of infectious diseases. Stay away from people who are sick.

Family: Problems and confrontations over money matters in the family. You will be forced to ask a loved one for help.

Money and prosperity: Don`t make fast and risky investments even though it seems like you will win in the end. Overall you won`t feel lack of resources.

Advice: Get back your loans on time. 

Cancer card reading horoscope 1-7 February 2019

Love: There`s a surprise gift for you from a loved one!

Career: You seem to have strong support no matter how hard things are.

Health: You are in pretty great shape.

Family: Be prepared for some confrontations over household problems.

Money and prosperity:  Stable finances but not a great time to make risky investments.

Advice: Learn from your mistakes.

Scorpio card reading horoscope 1-7 February 2019

Love: Stability in your relationship with the opposite sex.

Career: Much success and nothing bad.

Health: You may experience some minor issues with your health though.

Family: There will be changes in your family somehow. Unpleasant ones.

Money and prosperity: You will experience slight lack of resources.

Advice: Be grateful. 

Libra card reading horoscope 1-7 February 2019

Love: You are very lucky and if you haven`t found someone yet, know that now is the perfect time!

Career: You have wide support at your workplace. There`s even a possibility for a promotion.

Health: You are in great shape!

Family: There may be good news regarding younger members from the family.

Money and prosperity: Someone may try to steal from you. Keep your eyes wide open.

Advice: Don`t be too naive. 

Pisces card reading horoscope 1-7 February 2019

Love: You have everything you desire! If you are single know that someone secretly loves you.

Career: There are issues with your payment.

Health: Your health is not in great shape.

Family: Everything is going smoothly.

Money and prosperity: There are some issues connected to money but they are expected to be resolved happily for you.

Advice: Don`t take good things around you for granted. 

Capricorn card reading horoscope 1-7 February 2019

Love: Your jealous spouse/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend may bring you some headache. If you are singlе, you have deep regrets for someone you used to be with and that you ended that relationship.

Career: There`s something bothering you in the workplace.

Health: Your health seems to worsen. You may even feel slight depression taking over you.

Family: News for someone single from the family who will get engaged or will travel to a foreign country.

Money and prosperity: You will have enough resources. It`s a good time to buy something nice for a loved one.

Advice: Don`t let your past define your future. 

Aries card reading horoscope 1-7 February 2019

Love: You have a rival on the love front.

Career: You tend to do things your way without taking any advice but you won`t be able to do that for long.

Health: Some minor issues with chronic disease are possible. Other than that you are okay.

Family: No confrontations. Everything is running smoothly.

Money and prosperity: Your tendency to overspend will find its way out in the open with full power. I don`t advice you to take credits just to fund your expensive new toys.

Advice: Don`t make enemies. Otherwise - beware of future confrontations. 

Gemini card reading horoscope 1-7 February 2019

Love: Your romantic and flirty nature will definitely show! And most importantly, if you are thinking about kids, now`s the perfect time for that! Great time for romance and even popping the big question.

Career: Your career is definitely not your priority right now. Your boss may notice this so it`s better if you do your work on time.

Health: Beware of minor injuries and car accidents.

Family: Someone from your family may need your financial or/and emotional support.

Money and prosperity: Talk about your ideas for future investments. You may find yourself supported by many people. However, beware of your direct competition (if you are a business owner).

Advice: Be prepared for some criticism.

неделя, 27 януари 2019 г.

Clothes - shopping tips

1. Never buy something just because it is on sale. Rather ask yourself - why is it on sale? Is there something wrong with this piece? Most often than not the answer is YES. I know it from experience. 

2. Never buy second-hand clothes (especially from unknown sources). Buy only new things. Not only you risk your reputation but your health as well - don`t underestimate the danger! 

3. Buy high-quality pieces as basic clothes for your wardrobe. Build a classic and stable foundation for a start. 

4. Make a list before you go shopping for clothes - and make sure you don`t stray from it! The shops can be very tempting but you must remain down to earth. 

5. Don`t fund shops with counterfeit clothes. Buy the real deal. You will be way cooler. Believe me. 

събота, 26 януари 2019 г.

Why is RECYCLING so important?


Why is it important?

1. Our planet`s resources are not infinite.

2. We must be responsible towards nature and towards ourselves as the smartest living creatures on Earth. 

3. It is cheaper in the long run.

4. It slows down global warming.

5. It is very rewarding even if you don`t see how it works. 

How to do it?

1. Be sure to read all about recycling on the official site. https://www.recycling.com/ 

2. Other tips I can personally give you: try to reuse every item (no matter how small or big) in some way. This is the best time to get creative about it. Use your imagination and create a more balanced and better relationship with nature NOW. Try changing your diet as well (if you have the will power). It is proven that vegetarians are healthier. Use less plastic in general as it creates clutter and take a whole lot of time to break down. Buy fewer things if possible in general. Be responsible! Do it today!

P.S. I want to thank my father for the inspiration for this article. 

четвъртък, 24 януари 2019 г.

How to tell if your house is haunted

 First, and most important rule of all is to follow your gut. If you are known for your strong intuition and think your house is haunted - then it most probably is. Seriously. 

 Secondly, use professional tools - EVP recorders, cameras. It is wise to use them for at least 24 hours without stopping. After this carefully check the recordings. Even if it takes you days. You want everything you can get, right? 

 Third of all, if you don`t want to do this all by yourself - hire professionals or do it with friends. 

 It is also very important that if you have a pet (especially a cat) to look for red flags in its behaviors in the supposed haunted areas of your house (or generally). 

P.S. An advice: Most "dark creatures" are known to come out at night. So if you don`t have the mentioned 24 hours for recording, perhaps try recording just during the night. 

неделя, 20 януари 2019 г.

Gemini card reading horoscope January 21-31 2019

Love: You attract love easier than ever. However, remember that not everyone you may date during this period is destined to be your mate. For those of you who are in relationships - if you`ve had any doubts regarding your partner they will be exposed. Be careful not to hurt their feelings!

Career: You lack the support of your boss. Don`t let this get to you. No other big troubles though.

Health: Perfect health. Bear in mind, though, that you may experience some inconvenient symptoms if you have some kind of chronic disorder from earlier.

Family: It is time to have that long-awaited chat with your family. It doesn`t matter whether it is regarding you personally or some other family member. If someone`s angry with you - you better apologize.

Money and prosperity: There is a strong possibility of someone stealing from you. Also, I see some clarification. This means that whatever investments you`ve made in the near past - you`ll soon reap the fruits of them. A good period for reinvestment. Your business is going well.

Advice: Don`t be frank. Hold back a little in your opinions. Also, be more reasonable and careful.

Cancer card reading horoscope January 21-31 2019

 Love: Perfect time for getting to know your partner better! If you`re single, though, don`t get your hopes high up.

Career: There is nothing serious for you to worry about. However, beware of some jealousy from your colleagues towards you.

Health: Bad news for you in the health department though. Beware of colds and other portable diseases.

Family: Don`t disappoint your family! Keep your promises and do the things on time. Don`t be late for family meetings.

Money and prosperity: Money losses are possible due to bad investments in the near past. Not a great period for starting new endeavors.

Advice: Have more confidence to do your own thing instead of taking advice from others. 

събота, 19 януари 2019 г.

Sagittarius card reading horoscope January 21-31 2019

Love: There is competition for you on the love front.

Career: A lot of luck and things are running smoothly.

Health: Beware of minor physical injuries.

Family: Kids will not give you any troubles. For those of you who don`t have any yet - the atmosphere will be very tranquil as well.

Money and prosperity: Don`t take loans during this period. You may end up not returning them on time.

Advice: Be more flexible in your daily interactions with other people.

Capricorn card reading horoscope January 21-31 2019

Love: There`s a strong possibility you disappoint your loved one with some unfounded misgivings. If you`re single now is not the perfect time to find a new suitable mate.

Career: You are very confident and full of energy. This won`t go unnoticed in your work place.

Health: Overall nothing to worry about on a physical level. However, you should relax more because you`ll be more prone to emotional exhaustion during this period.

Family: Younger siblings (especially male) may play with your nerves. Don`t give heed to their displays of futility.

Money and prosperity: You think you don`t have enough. Even though that`s not entirely true, you still wait for additional money from somewhere. Those additional finances won`t come during this period.

Advice: Try to be more discrete and restrained. It will play you a bad joke if you try to appear smarter. It may have the exact opposite effect. Keep your secrets well. 

Pisces card reading horoscope January 21-31 2019

Love: Great period regarding love matters. It`s all sunshine and flowers if you are in a relationship. If you are single - there is a high possibility you fall in love very soon.

Career: The devil is in the details! Be sure to check your work thoroughly before handing it over.

Health: Amazing! You`ll be in a very good shape.

Family: Some of your relatives may want a favour from you. Don`t turn down your help!

Money and prosperity: Fresh money coming your way! But be careful not to spend it too quickly.

Advice: Be more analytical and realistic in your daily approach towards purely practical matters and don`t stress too much over matters of the heart. 

Libra card reading horoscope January 21-31 2019

Love: Beware of your partner cheating on you! If you`re single you may find it easy to have one night stands but it is not recommended.

Career:  Bonuses are possible for your hard work. It is not like you don`t deserve it.

Health: Your health will be great during this period.

Family: Very harmonious and tranquil period for your family. However, when someone angers you don`t take it too personally and make a big deal out of it.

Money and prosperity: You will be prosperous and won`t have any significant money troubles during this period.

Advice: Don`t be evidential and try to be more open-minded.

Scorpio card reading horoscope 21-31 January 2019

Love: Uneventful. That`s the word that can describe your love life right now. Don`t worry it is only temporary.

Career: You`re overloaded with work and don`t know where to start. Perhaps you should ask your colleagues who will be more than happy to help you out.

Health: Beware of minor injuries.

Family: There will be confrontations during this period. Especially with the elder members from your family. You shouldn`t get too angry about it though.

Money and prosperity: Great period regarding money for you!

Advice: Don`t let other people`s mistakes anger you too much. Find your inner peace. Perhaps going out is a good idea when you`re too upset to stay at one place.

Aquarius card reading horoscope January 21-31 2019

Love: I see some broken hearts. But it is too early to get on the rebound lagon. For those of you in relationships - beware that some troubles may arise. 

Career: There is a risk that someone else may take credit for your hard work. Don`t let that happen. Otherwise things are running very smoothly. 

Health: There will be a significant decline in your overall health if you`re not careful. Don`t go to work sick. Better stay at home. Work-related stress can be very dangerous during this period. 

Family: There will be news from relatives who are far from you. Good news about a happy event.

Money and prosperity: Beware of small financial losses. And don`t lend money during this period. Otherwise, there won`t be anything troubling you regarding money and prosperity. 

Advice: Rest more, and know that your work won`t escape. There will always be more of it. 

Virgo card reading horoscope January 21-31 2019

Love: A brand new period of much love and happiness for you, Virgo! If you`ve had unresolved conflicts in the love department - they will be solved happily for you.

Career: You have the support of your boss and you will find it easier than ever to carry out your work.

Health: Be aware of injuries.

Family: Some of you may seek the advice of an elder man from your family. And you better take that advice - it is very important.

Money and prosperity: You may receive unexpected money during this period. And you generally won`t feel any lack of it.

Advice: Change your routine a bit if you want to feel more energized.

Leo card reading horoscope January 21-31 2019

Love: You are more likely to be focusing on your career rather than love during this period, Leo.

Career: Work hard and diligently and you are very likely to get that promotion you`ve been dreaming about. For those of you with business of their own - it is the perfect time to expand and invest into new opportunities.

Health: Perfect health during this period. It is also good to start doing sports if you haven`t yet.

Family: Occasions for many smiles especially when it comes to your younger relatives. Extremely good period to go out somewhere with your family. Nothing to worry about.

Prosperity and money: Regarding your money - you should be very careful regarding documents connected to material property.

Advice: Take risks only when you`re sure things are likely to work out well for you. Don`t involve yourself with people who are proven to be untrustworthy. 

петък, 18 януари 2019 г.

Taurus card reading horoscope for January 21-31 2019

 Love: Overall a good forecast regarding love. Some of you may have friendships that will turn into something more. Those of you who are already in relationships - beware of people who are jealous of your happiness. They may try to hurt you in some way.

Career: Beware of mistakes that can set off your boss against you. There is also a high possibility of your colleagues using you. Now it is the best time to learn to say "no".

Health: Additional financial losses due to ill health are possible. Also some of you may have relatives who are sick. So stay away from them if you don`t want to get sick too!

Family: Possible conflicts with an elder woman from your family. Conflicts that will arise and will end very fast. Overall, nothing to worry about.

Prosperity and money: Very good period regarding your money, Taurus! Be aware, though. Don`t buy the first flashy thing that comes across your eyes. However, there is a good reason for you to be more generous towards your family!

Advice: It is good to stand up for yourself and not let other people use you. This is the best time to show what you`re made of. Just don`t do it with aggression, though. 

вторник, 15 януари 2019 г.

Top 5 Worst Gifts Ever

  This is my personal top 5 of the worst gifts ever. And remember any gift that is second hand, no matter how cool, is simply not suitable !!!

 1. Watches. 

 2. Sharp objects such as knives.

 3. Underwear.

 4. Toiletries.

 5. Work out gear. 

понеделник, 14 януари 2019 г.

9 Practical Everyday Tips for Women

1. Dry your hair immediately after showering. This way the chlorine in the water won`t have much time to destroy your hair structure. 

2. Don`t shower right after you have had your skin waxed. 

3. Be discrete about your sexual life. Always.

4. Have good grooming habits - no split ends on hair, regularly redo your nails, etc.

5. Don`t involve yourself with toxic people - whiners, gossipers, etc.

6. Smile. It makes people instantly more beautiful. 

7. Be prepared in advance. Always carry ladies pads in your purse. You never know when you are going to need them.

8. Be prepared. Have condoms as well. Again, you never know when you are going to need them. 

9. Always carry a small pocket mirror with you.

петък, 11 януари 2019 г.

How to fight depression - basic tips

                                          1. Go out in nature, enjoy the sunlight and the fresh air. 

                               2. Use vitamin D and magnesium a lot - both through supplements and food.

                                                                           3. Exercise daily. 

                                                                       4. Shopping therapy.

                                                           5. Get a pet to calm you down and cheer you up.

6. Find yourself an interesting hobby. Really. Almost every hobby will do. The important thing is that you should feel passionate about it - even if it is collecting stamps. Collecting particular kind of things is one of the most famous hobbies out there.

7. Surround yourself with positivity - positive art (images, music) and, of course, positive people. 

8. Avoid negativity in any form - people and things that evoke any negative emotions and memories. If you can`t avoid the negative people, then try changing your environment.

вторник, 8 януари 2019 г.

How to cure a hex

 You work and work, yet you find yourself without money. Your health suddenly starts suffering without any evident reason? Perhaps someone with an evil eye has looked at you without you knowing about it. Yes, someone might have hexed you.

 There are people who have evil eye and they unknowingly jinx other people. It is possible. Any energy healer and energy worker can tell you that you need some kind of protection against such people. I tell you this - you need protection against their energy, not them in particular. They may have been under a hex as well.

 So, what to do in case you are hexed? First of all, hexing someone and looking at someone with jealousy are two different things. You can`t assume anyone who`s jealous of you to be the one who has hexed you. It doesn`t work that way. The hex is really strong when this person actually tries to do physical things to you - small repeated symbols that you recognize (or not) and tries to do harmful stuff to you on a physical level. Even if they aren`t physical, after time they manifest in the physical realm. Clearly, though, from experience, I believe that the hex is drawing symbols and trying to control other people with fear which automatically lowers their vibrations. I don`t believe that much in the spiritual part of the hex. Or at least that I can say from experience.

 However, some people have really negative energy around them and we need to raise our own vibrations so that they no longer trouble us.

 How are we to do it? It`s actually really simple. First, is there something really cool and relaxing you love doing? Great! For me it is listening to music. Doing things you love is perhaps the best and most important thing you have to do first. If your home needs cleaning, it is advisable to do it but you should start with more pleasant thing. Remember, you are the important one - not your home, not anyone else. After having finished listening to music, I feel very relaxed. I even continue doing so while cleaning sometimes. Why not? Secondly, if you have something that is troubling you for quite some time - it is time to settle it. This is the best advice I can give regarding both practical matters and matters of the heart. Another VERY important advice: try to distance yourself from such low energy people physically. Try changing your environment. Wise people say: "Far from the eyes - far from the heart."

 Now, it is time to mention another thing. Not only people may have negative energy. There are objects too. In one of my previous articles, I have mentioned that an object which is 100 years old is believed to turn into a vampire. If that is not true, then think of it this way: who would hold such objects? An antiques shop owner only.

 In terms of pure energy cleaning - water is said to be the winner. The advice that one should drink plenty of water is really  helpful both for your body and your spiritual being. It clears toxins from your body and clears your mind.

 Silver is also known to have very good protective and cleaning qualities.

 Wearing red is also a very good choice according to some more versed in the matter people.

 Slow and prolonged deep breathing exercises are definitely good to do after having encountered a negative person.

 Curing a hex is a process that won`t happen overnight. It requires at least several weeks. It is like the way it had occurred - it occurs gradually (like the effect of the dominoes) and it goes away gradually. You can`t expect a fast result. You have to be really persistent in your willingness to get rid of the hex. Perhaps this is where you should start. If you do not want to get rid of it 100%, then everything you do won`t matter.

 Some of the advices such as wearing silver and wearing red are practical and for daily use. It doesn`t matter whether you have a hex or not. But the strongest protection is the faith in God.

 P.S. I hope this article has been useful to you.

понеделник, 7 януари 2019 г.

For a healthy lifestyle

 A very huge part of healthy life includes healthy food choices. Here are some tips you can apply to your daily eating habits:

1. Don`t overeat. 

2. A balanced diet is a must.

3. Exclude white sugar completely from your diet plan.

4. Exclude fast food from your daily diet. 

5. Prepare your own food at home.

6. Eat less semimanifactured goods.

7. Eat more veggies.

8. Eat more fruits.


9. Don`t forget sports. If you can`t do sports professionally, then at least walk on foot for a while (some 30 minutes a day will do).

10. Prepare your meals way in advance. So number 4 will be much easier to achieve.

Feng shui and general wellness advices

                                                   Happy new 2019 year! 

We said goodbye to 2018 and we are ready to welcome 2019 with a new positive attitude and fresh energy. But hardly anyone can be positive and energetic if they don`t apply certain rules of feng shui into their lives. I`m certain that the downlisted advice will be extremely beneficial for those of you who are not planning to call any feng shui expert any time soon, yet you want to have the best of what feng shui has to offer for the European types of homes. 

1. First of all - GET RID OF CLUTTER. This doesn`t necessarily mean to throw away all the things you own. I`m not talking minimalism. A simple rearrangement of your things, reorganizing and putting labels on storage boxes is enough to make your life easier. This way, according to feng shui, you`ll be boosting both your health and your chances of greater prosperity. Usually, this is the first step to applying feng shui into your life for good. 

2. Second of all - BE PREPARED TO GET RID OF INAPPROPRIATE DECORATION. By inappropriate I mean everything that may bring bad luck to you and your family. For example, images displaying war scenes and other unfortunate events such as plagues and shipwrecks are definitely not okay. Get rid of such pictures. And images displaying nakedness aren`t appropriate as well. Also, it is believed that every object that is more than 100 years old is bad for the household. My advice? If it is not valuable - just get rid of it immediately. African masks aren`t a good choice for décor. What else? Basically, there are countless articles on the Internet on the unlucky items you shouldn`t have at home. It`s not just one or two. 

3. Make sure your home gets enough natural (sun) light inside. Even though you may have the latest and the most trendy led lighting at home, it is hardly comparable to the effect of the real deal. Admit it - who doesn`t love sunlight (in healthy doses)? It is also believed that it is most efficient against all kinds of dark creatures that may roam in your house without you knowing about it. I`m talking real low energy vibrations that may cause harm to you and your family in the long run. So this is why sunlight is so important. 

4. Make sure you clean regularly. Dust is not welcomed in the year 2019. It is not welcomed ever! It holds really low depressing energy to it and lowers your vibrations. It isn`t healthy. It looks bad. Don`t tolerate it! Take action now!

5. GOOD VENTILATION. Something that is impossible to live without if you want to be healthy. Make sure you open up the windows regularly for fresh air. Of course, if it is not too cold outside. 

6. If you want greater wealth, determine where is the southeast corner of your home and decorate it accordingly. 

7. For health make sure the east part of your home doesn`t have clutter and take care of your wardrobe. Don`t pile up clothes like crazy. Donate or sell those which you no longer need and make room so that there is no more chaos in your wardrobe. 

8. Repair or throw away broken items. Especially wrist watches. Enough said. 

Unbearable to hold

 Unbearable to hold A secret that destroys Unbearable thoughts But nowhere to run A prisoner in this life A warrior of the light Without win...