четвъртък, 24 януари 2019 г.

How to tell if your house is haunted

 First, and most important rule of all is to follow your gut. If you are known for your strong intuition and think your house is haunted - then it most probably is. Seriously. 

 Secondly, use professional tools - EVP recorders, cameras. It is wise to use them for at least 24 hours without stopping. After this carefully check the recordings. Even if it takes you days. You want everything you can get, right? 

 Third of all, if you don`t want to do this all by yourself - hire professionals or do it with friends. 

 It is also very important that if you have a pet (especially a cat) to look for red flags in its behaviors in the supposed haunted areas of your house (or generally). 

P.S. An advice: Most "dark creatures" are known to come out at night. So if you don`t have the mentioned 24 hours for recording, perhaps try recording just during the night. 

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