петък, 12 януари 2018 г.

Why don`t diets work?

 Most people who try all kinds of diets for losing weight, gain kilos again. But the worst is that way a person remains an eternal hostage of one of the biggest industries in our modernity, taking advantage of people`s weaknesses. If you are suffering from being overweight, this article will help you make your choice in order to get rid of this problem.

 So, you`ve decided to finally shed those unwanted pounds. This is wonderful. But even in the beginning prepare to face the accompanying phenomena: restricting freedom, constant hunger, compulsive calculation of each gram and each calorie. And also you`ll regularly have to spend a lot of energy and means. Quite obvious are the facts for the industry of the diets: the sum of 10 billion dollars and the sad 2 to 5 percent efficiency for their clients.

 Do you want to know why don`t diets work? It is very simple. The body is successfully fighting the loss of weight and fastly recovers it the first chance it gets. Think about it. You, a.k.a., your brain, armed with the limited life experience, is fighting against one beastly machine - your body, having millions of years successful fight for survival. Diets provoke great losses in your body and they are interpreted by it as a threat by death by hunger - very stressful conditions.

 Shortage of food leads to "saving mode":

1. The exchange processes slow down.

2. The brain reduces the production of endorphins - the most important neurotransmitters.

3. All the incoming food is stored in stock in the form of fat disposition - just in case it gets worse! Diets make the body store at every cost.

 So eat healthy food. You know what this means. Eat little and regularly. Instead of missing the breakfast and compensate it during lunch, eat more times a day. When the food is portioned, it gets assimilated more completely and effectively and it doesn`t load you with unwanted calories. Good luck!

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