петък, 18 януари 2019 г.

Taurus card reading horoscope for January 21-31 2019

 Love: Overall a good forecast regarding love. Some of you may have friendships that will turn into something more. Those of you who are already in relationships - beware of people who are jealous of your happiness. They may try to hurt you in some way.

Career: Beware of mistakes that can set off your boss against you. There is also a high possibility of your colleagues using you. Now it is the best time to learn to say "no".

Health: Additional financial losses due to ill health are possible. Also some of you may have relatives who are sick. So stay away from them if you don`t want to get sick too!

Family: Possible conflicts with an elder woman from your family. Conflicts that will arise and will end very fast. Overall, nothing to worry about.

Prosperity and money: Very good period regarding your money, Taurus! Be aware, though. Don`t buy the first flashy thing that comes across your eyes. However, there is a good reason for you to be more generous towards your family!

Advice: It is good to stand up for yourself and not let other people use you. This is the best time to show what you`re made of. Just don`t do it with aggression, though. 

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