вторник, 8 януари 2019 г.

How to cure a hex

 You work and work, yet you find yourself without money. Your health suddenly starts suffering without any evident reason? Perhaps someone with an evil eye has looked at you without you knowing about it. Yes, someone might have hexed you.

 There are people who have evil eye and they unknowingly jinx other people. It is possible. Any energy healer and energy worker can tell you that you need some kind of protection against such people. I tell you this - you need protection against their energy, not them in particular. They may have been under a hex as well.

 So, what to do in case you are hexed? First of all, hexing someone and looking at someone with jealousy are two different things. You can`t assume anyone who`s jealous of you to be the one who has hexed you. It doesn`t work that way. The hex is really strong when this person actually tries to do physical things to you - small repeated symbols that you recognize (or not) and tries to do harmful stuff to you on a physical level. Even if they aren`t physical, after time they manifest in the physical realm. Clearly, though, from experience, I believe that the hex is drawing symbols and trying to control other people with fear which automatically lowers their vibrations. I don`t believe that much in the spiritual part of the hex. Or at least that I can say from experience.

 However, some people have really negative energy around them and we need to raise our own vibrations so that they no longer trouble us.

 How are we to do it? It`s actually really simple. First, is there something really cool and relaxing you love doing? Great! For me it is listening to music. Doing things you love is perhaps the best and most important thing you have to do first. If your home needs cleaning, it is advisable to do it but you should start with more pleasant thing. Remember, you are the important one - not your home, not anyone else. After having finished listening to music, I feel very relaxed. I even continue doing so while cleaning sometimes. Why not? Secondly, if you have something that is troubling you for quite some time - it is time to settle it. This is the best advice I can give regarding both practical matters and matters of the heart. Another VERY important advice: try to distance yourself from such low energy people physically. Try changing your environment. Wise people say: "Far from the eyes - far from the heart."

 Now, it is time to mention another thing. Not only people may have negative energy. There are objects too. In one of my previous articles, I have mentioned that an object which is 100 years old is believed to turn into a vampire. If that is not true, then think of it this way: who would hold such objects? An antiques shop owner only.

 In terms of pure energy cleaning - water is said to be the winner. The advice that one should drink plenty of water is really  helpful both for your body and your spiritual being. It clears toxins from your body and clears your mind.

 Silver is also known to have very good protective and cleaning qualities.

 Wearing red is also a very good choice according to some more versed in the matter people.

 Slow and prolonged deep breathing exercises are definitely good to do after having encountered a negative person.

 Curing a hex is a process that won`t happen overnight. It requires at least several weeks. It is like the way it had occurred - it occurs gradually (like the effect of the dominoes) and it goes away gradually. You can`t expect a fast result. You have to be really persistent in your willingness to get rid of the hex. Perhaps this is where you should start. If you do not want to get rid of it 100%, then everything you do won`t matter.

 Some of the advices such as wearing silver and wearing red are practical and for daily use. It doesn`t matter whether you have a hex or not. But the strongest protection is the faith in God.

 P.S. I hope this article has been useful to you.

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