понеделник, 7 януари 2019 г.

For a healthy lifestyle

 A very huge part of healthy life includes healthy food choices. Here are some tips you can apply to your daily eating habits:

1. Don`t overeat. 

2. A balanced diet is a must.

3. Exclude white sugar completely from your diet plan.

4. Exclude fast food from your daily diet. 

5. Prepare your own food at home.

6. Eat less semimanifactured goods.

7. Eat more veggies.

8. Eat more fruits.


9. Don`t forget sports. If you can`t do sports professionally, then at least walk on foot for a while (some 30 minutes a day will do).

10. Prepare your meals way in advance. So number 4 will be much easier to achieve.

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