сряда, 31 май 2017 г.

Elmaira / Елмайра Don`t buy anything from Elmaira !!!

                                                      ВНИМАНИЕ !!! НЕКОРЕКТЕН ТЪРГОВЕЦ -
                                                ОНЛАЙН МАГАЗИН ЗА ДРЕХИ ЕЛМАЙРА / ELMAIRA

 Забавиха ми поръчката и я отказах. Жената по телефона беше изключително нелюбезна с мен. Оказа се, че в деня на крайния срок, когато трябва поръчката ми вече да е при мен още не беше изпратена при куриерската фирма! Ако всеки в България си върши работата по този начин докъде ще стигнем?
 Бих подала жалба, но не искам да хабя време, нерви и средства за неща, които са под достойството ми.
 Моята оценка за онлайн магазина е -5 от 5 звезди.
 Не ви препоръчвам да си купувате нищо от този магазин. Надявам се, че с тази статия съм ви била полезна и че ще ви спестя някакви главоболия за в бъдеще.

П.С. За огромно съжаление мислех, че съм приключила въпроса с въпросния сайт, докато не получих известие от куриерската фирма, че имам поръчка за получаване! Това се случи след като изрично отказах поръчката и след като бях уведомена, че въпросната поръчка още не е пратена при куриерите. Явно служителката е решила да ми направи номер. ТАКИВА ХОРА ЗАСЛУЖАВАТ ДА БЪДАТ СЪДЕНИ.

                                                     ATTENTION !!! INCORRECT TRADER -
                                                     ONLINE CLOTHING SHOP ELMAIRA

 They have delayed my order and I cancelled it. The woman on the phone was extremely impolite with me. It turned out that on the day of the deadline when my order was already supposed to be delivered to me it was yet to be sent to the courier company! If everyone in Bulgaria does their work that way, how far will we get?
 I would file a complaint but I do not want to waste time, nerves and money on things that are under my dignity.
 My rating for the online store is -5 out of 5 stars.
 I do not recommend buying anything from this store. I hope that with this article I've been useful to you and that I will save you some headaches in the future.

P.S. With great regret, I thought I had finished the issue with the site in question until I received a notification from the courier company that I had a purchase order! This happened after I explicitly declined the order and after I was informed that the order in question had not yet been sent to couriers. Apparently the employee has decided to make a number on me. THESE PEOPLE DESERVE TO BE JUDGED.

понеделник, 22 май 2017 г.

How You Can Stop Overeating

What is setting you off?

Always identify your triggers. If a place sets you off, you want to avoid it. If a feeling sets you off, you need to find a plan B to avoid invading your cabinets for food. Emotions are usually a culprit when it comes to overeating. When were happy, we eat, when we are sad, we eat. Our emotions have a way of taking over all our inhibitions. There is why researchers found that 75 percent of eating comes from dealing with emotions. When you feel a negative emotion ride it out until it leaves and without going to food. Usually, the feeling will retreat.

Start eating better.

The single most important action to take to stop overeating is to eat healthier. This means to stop eating processed foods and eating more vegetables, nuts, whole grains and lean meats like chicken or fish. Cutting back sugar and caffeine will help you from being ravenous. Sugar gives you a high and then you crash. The next thing you know it, you are looking for more sugar to help build you back up. When there is sugar, there are calories! Snack on carrots with organic peanut butter, instead of sugary packed granola bars, candy, and crackers.

Portion your food better.

When you portion your food for the week, it can help you refrain from overeating. People who do this are able to keep track of their portions a lot better. This will also help you from skipping meals on the run. Additionally, it will help you resist snacking on foods high in calories. If time is not on your side, you can order meals or purchase meals that are portioned out already. 

Drink water.

"Filling your belly with water will naturally make you less likely to overeat," the author of the Flexitarian Diet Dawn Jackson Blatner explained to Health.com. She said that water helps you feel fuller, but it may be a sign of "symptoms of dehydration may actually be what's causing your rumbling belly." Before a meal, aim to drink up to a glass of water. Try this trick when you are dining out. This will help you avoid overeating and help you skip the appetizers.

Get adequate rest. 

A lack of sleep could be causing you to overeat. What happens when you are tired? You go for the sugary foods and for the caffeinated beverages to get through the day! These are the foods and drinks that pack on the pounds. Don't discount the importance of sleep as it is nutrition for the brain, WebMD explained. They went on to share that you need at least 7 hours of sleep. If not, the body will react and go for high-calorie foods to counterbalance the fatigue.

Stay away from the kitchen.

When those commercials come on, stay away from the kitchen except for mealtimes. How many times do we find ourselves wandering into the kitchen when we are not even hungry? Also, leave the food in the kitchen as eating meals in front of the television will make you consume more. When you feel the urge to go browse the pantry, go for a walk or play with the dog for a wholesome distraction.

Source for reference: http://www.beliefnet.com

петък, 19 май 2017 г.

Nail polish is dangerous !!!

What happens to your body after you apply nail polish? Watch the following video to find out:


To tell you the truth, at the moment I don`t have any nail polish on my nails and it feels great. A few days ago, before I discovered the dangers from nail polish, I had. But it was getting frustrating to apply cheap nail polish on as it isn`t long lasting and I couldn`t get through the day without damaging the looks of it. Why you should stop using it at all like I did?

1. It`s waste of money.
2. It`s dangerous to your health.
3. It`s time consuming to apply it (even though not much). Time is money, you know.
4. I don`t believe there`s chemical-free nail polish. Don`t believe the adds which claim there are bio nail polishes. Nail polish is nail polish. And it is dangerous. End of story.

Benefits if you don`t use it:

1. You will save some money.
2. Your health will improve.
3. You won`t waste time applying it.
4. You won`t have to worry about damaging the looks of it. You can go about your chores around the house without this worry on your mind.

сряда, 17 май 2017 г.

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Gel Wash REVIEW

Pros of Garnier Skin Active Micellar Cleansing Gel Wash:

  • Effectively cleanses skin.
  • Adds a subtle and healthy glow.
  • Removes makeup without leaving any residue.
  • Doesn’t dry skin.
  • Adds a cool refreshing look to skin.
  • Hassle free.
  • Doesn’t irritate sensitive skin, doesn’t cause breakouts.
  • No parabens, or added fragrance.
  • Travel friendly.
  • Easier to use than micellar water.

Cons of Garnier Skin Active Micellar Cleansing Gel Wash:

  • Contains SLS.
  • Might not be effective for removing stubborn liquid lipsticks.
Source for reference: https://makeupandbeauty.com

вторник, 16 май 2017 г.

How to lose weight without exercising

 For those of you who don`t exercise (like me), and yet want to lose some weight, there is good news. There are a few tips you can use to help you shed some pounds. There are certain lifestyle and diet changes you need to do in order to achieve this goal.
 Disclaimer: In no way I`m a professional dietitian and have no claims to be one. If you`re having health issues because of your current weight, you might want to consult with a doctor. 

1. Stop eating junk food. 

2. Drink more water. 

3. Don`t eat breakfast soon after you slept. Do it a few hours later.

4. Don`t eat after 7 PM.

5. If you`re taking medication that causes weight gain talk to your doctor to switch it or reduce the doses. 

6. Don`t overeat. 

7. Don`t drink and eat at once.

8. Eat less bread and pasta. Gluten is not your friend. 

9. If you`re a binge eater detect what triggers you to binge eat and take care of the problem some other way - not with food.

10. Stay clear of the kitchen. 

11. Start buying food of higher quality. This doesn`t necessarily mean bio foods. When you give more money, you`ll start buying less and eat less. Not to mention the benefits of healthier food.

12. Be sure to consume many fruits and vegetables throughout the day. This will do miracles with your body as well as your immune system.

13. Don`t mix a lot of different foods at once. For example - sour and sweet.

                                          14. Drink vervain tea for faster metabolism. 

15. Never drink coffee on an empty stomach. It will boost your appetite unnecessarily. 

16. Eat slowly or with normal speed. 

17. Start taking natural supplements that will help you lose weight. The stress is on 'natural'. After all, you don`t want to endanger your life.

Gothic Dress Up - App for Android REVIEW

 This is probably one of the best apps for dress up out there! I simply love using it. I`ll show some of the designs I created with it.

Бочко крем-сапун смрадлика

Сапунът е с една от най-приятните миризми, на които съм попадала. Смрадликата има противовъзпалително действие, както и аромотерапевтично такова. Продуктът е изключително подходящ за чувствителна кожа, нуждаеща се от подхранваща грижа. Цената му е доста приемлива за продукт от такъв калибър. С чиста съвест мога да кажа, че определено си заслужава да го пробвате. Оценката ми за него е 5 от 5.

неделя, 14 май 2017 г.

Vervain (Върбинка) - Top Benefits

1. Natural Mood Enhancer

 It is a well-known herb used to fight or prevent depression and mood swings.

2. For A Healthy Gut

 In the form of tea, it can be used as a natural drink to ease digestive disorders and keep the gut healthy.

3. Anti-Parasitic Activity

 Although intestinal worms and parasites aren’t as common as they used to be before proper food preparation guidelines and health advances, the anti-parasitic nature of blue vervain is still relied on in some cultures and situations. 

4. Female Tonic

 For women who suffer from particularly strong or severe periods, blue vervain can be a blessing. It has been known to reduce cramps and general discomfort, primarily for women who are bloated and cramping. Its effects on mood and depression can also soften the symptoms of menstruation, while its regulation of hormones will keep you balanced and functional.

5. Good For Kidney Stones

Just prepare an infusion by steeping 1 tbsp dry blue vervain leaves in one pint boiling water for 10 minutes. Consume about 6 tbsp every day, spread over 6 doses, to get rid of urinary bladder infections and kidney stones.

6. Vampire repellent

 Above all else mentioned it is the herb that is used to protect oneself against vampires. For it to have an effect you should have some vervain on you. It`s also advisable to drink vervain tea regularly. 

Unbearable to hold

 Unbearable to hold A secret that destroys Unbearable thoughts But nowhere to run A prisoner in this life A warrior of the light Without win...