четвъртък, 24 ноември 2016 г.

What to do with our free time

                                           What am I doing with my free time right now?

                                       1. I really like listening to music. It`s mostly metal.

2. Another large part of my free time I spend on online gaming, lately on Farmville 2.

3. I also very much like painting and drawing when I feel like it.

4. I am fond of poetry. I create poetry by myself both in my mothertongue and in English. Currently I`m edditing some of my old stuff and I`m putting them in a notebook. 

петък, 18 ноември 2016 г.

La Roche - Posay Hydreane Legere REVIEW

I`m pleasantly surprised by the La Roche - Posay Hydreane Legere thermal spring water cream.

It is indeed used for mainly sensitive skin, although it can be used by people with all types of skin. Again, La-Roche Posay did not fail me, although I did not expected less from it. Thermal water is something very essential and gentle to our daily skin care. Its smell is somewhat nice. The effect of the cream lasts a good 24h, making the skin soft as a baby`s and soothes any redness we might have (although it doesn`t completely erase it). For a cream it is a pretty good moisturizer. The only minus here is that it doesn`t have an SPF, though. That`s the only reason why I give it 4 out of 5.

сряда, 16 ноември 2016 г.

How to be Stylish 101

1. Don`t wear sportswear as casual wear (unless you are going to the gym). Yes, even at home. You never know who may come visit as a surprise.

2. Be careful with prints and patterns. Don`t make weird combinations. Choose only one print or pattern at a time.

3. Don`t wear more than 3 different colours at a time. This rule doesn`t apply for different shades of one and the same colour. If you are not sure how to combine different colours - go for monochrome. This never fails.

4. Dress age-wise. Dress according to your age.

5. Make sure your clothes fit and flatter you well. 

6. Wear good quality perfume. This is optional, though.

7. Accessorize just a bit - don`t overdo it. I cannot stress this enough. This is key to your finished look. Have a piece of jewelry that stands out, though.

8. Wear a reasonable amount of makeup (if you are a girl/a woman). Learn different techniques for applying makeup and the difference between them - when you should apply each. Some are for every day, others - only for special occasions.

сряда, 9 ноември 2016 г.

Reasons to become vegetarian

 First reason I stopped eating meat was because I wanted to cleanse myself both physically and spiritually. Mind that I only stopped eating meat, not eggs and dairy. I also don`t eat fish. I intend to keep this up for at least the end of the month. We will see how that will go.

Eating vegetarian style can benefit you in a lot of different ways. It lowers your blood pressure. It may improve your mood - that`s right, not stuffing yourself with animal fat makes your brain function better. It is beneficial for those diagnosed with Diabetes. It lowers cholesterol. It also lowers the risk of stroke and obesity. It reduces the risk of developing kidney stones.

Did you know that around 30% or all the world population is vegetarian? October 1st is the official celebrating day for vegetarianism. 

Черен списък на сайтове в България

kalapod.bg - заради продаване на некачествени обувки, които причиняват рани дори при кратко носене
zajenata.bg - заради лошото качество на преводите на късметчетата и противоречивите, негативни хороскопи, които могат да объркат човек; както и заради тематиката на някои от статиите, които трябва да бъдат отбелязани с 18+
fashiondays.bg - заради фалшиви промоции; сайтът дори е бил глобен заради тази своя измама в размер на 119 845лв.
bg.dnatree.ru - заради лошо качество на преводите на статиите
olx.bg - заради дискриминационни лимити и ограничения за пускане на обяви там за разлика от bazar.bg

(ще добавям нови сайтове, когато трябва)

събота, 5 ноември 2016 г.

5 Hot Haute Couture trends right now


     Deep V-necks

3. Eye-catching shoulders

4. Shakespeare-inspired collars

5. Outerwear as a dress

петък, 4 ноември 2016 г.

La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo + REVIEW

The correcting cream-gel against imperfections is made with the help of termal water. The French product is ideal for cleaning your pores. It is also suitable for people with more delicate skin. It refreshes the skin by making it soft and non-greasy. Its smell is something I liked, however I`m not saying it is its strongest good feature. The cream-gel optimises the skin moisture, keeping it well hydrated for good 24h. The matifying effect on your skin is yet another bonus. It definitely is a product that`s worth its price. If I could give more than 5, I give it 5+ out of 5.

четвъртък, 3 ноември 2016 г.

Yves Rocher - exfoliating bubble for bath (candied orange and cinnamon) REVIEW

I don`t know whose idea was to create this product but it sure was a bad one. Not only it isn`t bubbly at all, its consistency reminds me of a bad gel. I`m also questioning its ability to scrub because the scrubbing particles are too tiny and almost unnoticable. Overall maybe its smell or orange and cinnamon is somewhat agreeable. That is why I give this product 3 out of 5.

Unbearable to hold

 Unbearable to hold A secret that destroys Unbearable thoughts But nowhere to run A prisoner in this life A warrior of the light Without win...