сряда, 5 октомври 2016 г.

How to look rich and classy

1.  First of all, in order to look rich you have to feel rich. It`s not just a matter of money - it`s really a matter of mind-set. I know that you must be hearing this a lot but it`s true. Having the right self-esteem is important.

2. Dress the part. 

    A/ Buy only clothes that are classy and never wear sports wear when you go out (the only exception here is the gym).

   B/ Buy designer and tailored clothing. Also, don`t be shy to visit shops that are not very popular but still the merchendise there is of high quality.

  C/ When you buy designer clothing don`t buy it with huge brand names on it. Nothing screams "middle class" more than this display. You are not paid to wear this. You are not an advertiser.

 D/ When looking what colour you should choose regarding clothes - the classic black and white with a tint of other colours such as red and pink for the ladies and blue for the gentlemen is a good choice. Of course you shouldn`t limit yourself just to these colours. All I`m saying is that these colours should be the predominant ones in your wardrobe. Nude colours such as grey and beige are also a very good choice.

3. Having cool accessories is nice but don`t overdo it. You don`t want to look like a Christmas tree. The optimal amount of jewelry is one piece that really stands out - be it a watch or a statement necklace.

4. Don`t show off (much). It is probably one of the most difficult things in the world not to do this when you have what to be proud of. But think of it this way - you don`t really want to attract thieves and leeches now, do you? However social media now provides us with many ways in which we can share our life experiences. Share only what you think won`t be too revealing and keep an eye on everyone on your friend lists. You can never be too careful these days. I`m saying this because I had a friend who owes me quite the amount of money to this day. What I did was blocking her for good. She was a bad person but I`ve learned that too late. Actually I`ve also lost one other friend whom I confided in about my financial status. Poor people hate the rich.

5. Have good manners. This is crucial. Nothing can be as putting off as someone who behaves like an animal even if she/he is in a nice dress/suit.

6. Apply a reasonable amount of makeup (for the ladies). You don`t want to look like a clown or too cheap.

7. Smell nice. You can buy one really good quality perfume and use it every time you go out or at least when you have an important meeting. As smell applies to your senses and to the senses of those around you it is important to be light. You must not apply too much of it too.

8. Groom regularly. This applies to both the ladies and the gentlemen. Regular grooming strengthens your hair. It does not, however, make it grow faster. But we are going for a classy look. So don`t worry about that.

9. Buy a nicer house or an apartment. As quality is over quantity the same rule applies here but in somewhat different way - don`t go for the big house/apartment, go for the one with more conveniences.

10. An expensive car is not always an indicator for wealth. Especially today when you can rent a car for day. Almost any car. Besides, unlike real estate, prices of cars are known to deflate rapidly. So if you, say, buy a car for $ 30 000, after 5 years or so its price may become half that. I`ve seen new money people who buy a Porsche instead of renovating their house first. That`s just not good investment. Which brings us to our next step.

11. Rich people invest their money wisely. They simply don`t spend even a penny on something they don`t want and won`t use in some way. They also don`t buy things on a whim. Everything they acquire is well thought of in advance.

12. Stay positive. Rich people know that even if they fail as enterpreneurs this is not too bad because at least they got something out of it - experience. Don`t underestimate the power of experience. And don`t be afraid of failure. Have realistic expectations and measure the risks and you are good to go.

13. And last but not least, be prepared to sacrifice your time, efforts and some money in order to achieve the look you want.

P.S. There is nothing more idiotic than hearing tips on how you can dress like a rich person without being one. I don`t believe that you can. Really rich people can sense the fake. There are things which can easily give you away like having no perfume or living on rent while having no other property to yourself.

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