вторник, 4 октомври 2016 г.


 http://www.heartage.me/your-heart-age/you This helpful site provides you with a test which will determine how old your heart is compared to your real age.


 It`s my day two without coffee. I stopped drinking it because I had sleep problems. Now it`s all getting better. The results are great - it`s not 23:00 o`clock and I`m already feeling sleepy. Working hard today helped me too. I got rid of a broken mirror which would have caused us troubles according to feng shui. To top it all the mirror was above a wardrobe in my current bedroom (I have two rooms to myself). If that`s not bad juju I don`t know what is. I was getting a bad vibe from above this wardrobe for some time now and now I know why. Don`t underestimate the power of feng shui cleaning!
 Today I ate semi-healthily. I started my day off with good food but at the end I ate fries. According to health specialist fried food is bad for your colesterol levels and thus bad for your heart. With this I want to raise awareness.
 There are gadjets for your wrist made specifically to measure your blood pressure, pulse, etc. My advice to you is to get one and measure them. The devices are not very costly. Some of them kind of are but not all of them.
 I wrote about coffee because coffee is known for raising blood pressure. Regardless of its good qualities it can be pretty dangerous as well. 

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