петък, 28 октомври 2016 г.

The current development of my personal style

Gothic must-haves:

                                                                         A chocker

A leather jacket

Leather wrist accessories

Black eyeliner and red lipstick

(that`s not me in the picture)

понеделник, 10 октомври 2016 г.

Benetton Cheering Rose body mist REVIEW

I`m very disappointed by this product. Its effect is very short. You almost can`t smell any of it. The only use I found for it was using it as a spray when I have mosquitto bites. That`s why I give it 1 out of 5 stars.

Nivea moisturizing day care cream REVIEW

I will definitely give this product 5 out of 5 stars. It`s insanely hydrating and protective of the skin. It`s certainly a plus that it has SPF/FPS 15. The vitamin E and the hydra IQ work magic on your skin. Even if your skin is kind of damaged, reddish or both - this cream is for you because it kind of diminishes the redness and cures the cells even a little.

неделя, 9 октомври 2016 г.

How to stay rich after acquiring a large sum at once

 You`ve been dreaming about becoming rich. All your life you`ve had mediocre job and all of a sudden something incredible happens. Perhaps it`s a sold land property, perhaps it`s a lottery win. But now you are rich. Now the question stands - what to do with these money? And how not to lose it all.
 My family and I had similar experience. A large sum of money came and then in 10 years it was all gone. My only solace was that at least we haven`t spend even larger sum (above 10 times that) which some of my relatives had and they blew it all. Some people are just not meant to operate with money. Or they just needed the money to build a new home. Whatever the reason might be, there are other ways in which you can build and yet not spend all your money at once.

 1. Don`t dream bigger than your wallet. Let`s face it. Blowing all that money on the most expensive new Audi wasn`t the greatest idea, right? Even if you could have afforded it you`ll soon realize that having an expensive car has it`s bad side - you`ll have to pay far more for maintenance. And over time this proves to be a bad investment.

What to do when you already have the expensive car?
Sell it and buy a regular one instead. Downgrade to ease your life.

2. Invest in yourself. Invest money in your education. Even if you have a degree you can still invest more money to acquire a certificate on something you`ve always wanted. For me this is far more important than a car. Also, if you have kids invest money for their education.

3. Don`t use a debit card that is connected to your main bank account where most of your money are. Choose a type of deposit that doesn`t go with a debit card. Believe me the temptation will be overwhelming otherwise.

4. Keep busy and enjoy yourself. Instead of thinking how to spend money, think about how to raise more. You can even start a business of your own if you wish but first you have to know ALL the risks. You can even hire a consultant. There are countless people who had money and lost it all because of ill management.

5. Don`t ever blow your money on stupid, irrelevant stuff. Home renovation is one thing but that $ 5 000 Haute Cauture dress is a whole different story. Don`t waste money like that.

What to do if you already have one?
Sell it. Don`t assume that every brand which isn`t well known is of bad quality. I was pleasantly surprised to know that there are countless brands that have 98% pure cotton blend in them. Choose quality over price.

6. Don`t spend above what you make in a month. This is the golden rule. In order to stay rich you have to still work. If you decide to take a short vacation that`s ok. But only a short one and it really depends where. Bulgaria is a good cheap and yet not too bad a place to spend your vacation compared to the expensive Dubai.

7. Make a pie chart. Set aside 50% of the sum (for example) in savings, 25% of it for education and do what you like with the rest. But keep in mind that having liquid money these days is important - you never know when you`ll need them.

8. Insurance, insurance and again - insurance. Even though you are rich now, insurance is very important. Covering an operation, restoring your home after an earthquake, etc... There are countless dangers insurance can cover.

9.  Hold back your desire to show off. Like I said in the previous article of mine - showing off can only attract gold diggers, jealousy and negative energy towards you.

10. Have a monthly limit of spending. The fact that you are rich now, doesn`t mean you`ll be rich forever. At least it will be so if you don`t listen to good advice.

11. Don`t forget to be yourself. Many people who have acquired money change for the worst. But there are also people whose good qualities get amplified now that they can afford to do their best. Don`t be a snob. Dress fancy only if you feel like it. No one will judge you otherwise. Even if they judge you it`s their problem, not yours.

12. Spend more time with the people who you care about. Now you have the money and the time.

13. Donate to a good cause. Be a conscientious citizen.

14. Don`t give loans. Even to relatives. There are banks for that. You will lower your interest rate.

What we did?
1. I chose to get an education instead of a car.
2. We did renovations in our house.
3. My dad continued working on his good paying job because soon after a retirement awaited him.
4. We managed to get some of our land property affairs straight with the bad neighbours.

But we also didn`t have a financial plan. We spent above our means. We didn`t have a monthly limit. We hadn`t insurance until recently. We used to blow our money on stupid stuff. My mother fell ill and stopped working. We landed money to my mother`s sister. A big mistake. Now she makes fun of us behind our backs how poor we are. Keep your mouth shut about your financial status. We attracted a lot of negative energy instead of enjoying the time we had more money. Don`t make the same mistake. I never took advantage of the good parts. We`ve never been to a beach during summer in all those years. Partly because of my mother being sick. I was not changing my wardrobe often. I almost looked like a hobo (shame but it`s true). That`s not how a wealthy person should live. During that period I got involved with bad people. Bad, ill vibes attract bad people. I`ve never expanded my horizons above education and there is so far more - vacations, shopping, having fun with close people. I guess as previously poor people we didn`t have the right mind-set and we weren`t prepared. Your mind-set is everything.

сряда, 5 октомври 2016 г.

How to look rich and classy

1.  First of all, in order to look rich you have to feel rich. It`s not just a matter of money - it`s really a matter of mind-set. I know that you must be hearing this a lot but it`s true. Having the right self-esteem is important.

2. Dress the part. 

    A/ Buy only clothes that are classy and never wear sports wear when you go out (the only exception here is the gym).

   B/ Buy designer and tailored clothing. Also, don`t be shy to visit shops that are not very popular but still the merchendise there is of high quality.

  C/ When you buy designer clothing don`t buy it with huge brand names on it. Nothing screams "middle class" more than this display. You are not paid to wear this. You are not an advertiser.

 D/ When looking what colour you should choose regarding clothes - the classic black and white with a tint of other colours such as red and pink for the ladies and blue for the gentlemen is a good choice. Of course you shouldn`t limit yourself just to these colours. All I`m saying is that these colours should be the predominant ones in your wardrobe. Nude colours such as grey and beige are also a very good choice.

3. Having cool accessories is nice but don`t overdo it. You don`t want to look like a Christmas tree. The optimal amount of jewelry is one piece that really stands out - be it a watch or a statement necklace.

4. Don`t show off (much). It is probably one of the most difficult things in the world not to do this when you have what to be proud of. But think of it this way - you don`t really want to attract thieves and leeches now, do you? However social media now provides us with many ways in which we can share our life experiences. Share only what you think won`t be too revealing and keep an eye on everyone on your friend lists. You can never be too careful these days. I`m saying this because I had a friend who owes me quite the amount of money to this day. What I did was blocking her for good. She was a bad person but I`ve learned that too late. Actually I`ve also lost one other friend whom I confided in about my financial status. Poor people hate the rich.

5. Have good manners. This is crucial. Nothing can be as putting off as someone who behaves like an animal even if she/he is in a nice dress/suit.

6. Apply a reasonable amount of makeup (for the ladies). You don`t want to look like a clown or too cheap.

7. Smell nice. You can buy one really good quality perfume and use it every time you go out or at least when you have an important meeting. As smell applies to your senses and to the senses of those around you it is important to be light. You must not apply too much of it too.

8. Groom regularly. This applies to both the ladies and the gentlemen. Regular grooming strengthens your hair. It does not, however, make it grow faster. But we are going for a classy look. So don`t worry about that.

9. Buy a nicer house or an apartment. As quality is over quantity the same rule applies here but in somewhat different way - don`t go for the big house/apartment, go for the one with more conveniences.

10. An expensive car is not always an indicator for wealth. Especially today when you can rent a car for day. Almost any car. Besides, unlike real estate, prices of cars are known to deflate rapidly. So if you, say, buy a car for $ 30 000, after 5 years or so its price may become half that. I`ve seen new money people who buy a Porsche instead of renovating their house first. That`s just not good investment. Which brings us to our next step.

11. Rich people invest their money wisely. They simply don`t spend even a penny on something they don`t want and won`t use in some way. They also don`t buy things on a whim. Everything they acquire is well thought of in advance.

12. Stay positive. Rich people know that even if they fail as enterpreneurs this is not too bad because at least they got something out of it - experience. Don`t underestimate the power of experience. And don`t be afraid of failure. Have realistic expectations and measure the risks and you are good to go.

13. And last but not least, be prepared to sacrifice your time, efforts and some money in order to achieve the look you want.

P.S. There is nothing more idiotic than hearing tips on how you can dress like a rich person without being one. I don`t believe that you can. Really rich people can sense the fake. There are things which can easily give you away like having no perfume or living on rent while having no other property to yourself.

вторник, 4 октомври 2016 г.


 http://www.heartage.me/your-heart-age/you This helpful site provides you with a test which will determine how old your heart is compared to your real age.


 It`s my day two without coffee. I stopped drinking it because I had sleep problems. Now it`s all getting better. The results are great - it`s not 23:00 o`clock and I`m already feeling sleepy. Working hard today helped me too. I got rid of a broken mirror which would have caused us troubles according to feng shui. To top it all the mirror was above a wardrobe in my current bedroom (I have two rooms to myself). If that`s not bad juju I don`t know what is. I was getting a bad vibe from above this wardrobe for some time now and now I know why. Don`t underestimate the power of feng shui cleaning!
 Today I ate semi-healthily. I started my day off with good food but at the end I ate fries. According to health specialist fried food is bad for your colesterol levels and thus bad for your heart. With this I want to raise awareness.
 There are gadjets for your wrist made specifically to measure your blood pressure, pulse, etc. My advice to you is to get one and measure them. The devices are not very costly. Some of them kind of are but not all of them.
 I wrote about coffee because coffee is known for raising blood pressure. Regardless of its good qualities it can be pretty dangerous as well. 

неделя, 2 октомври 2016 г.

Review of the weak 1st edition

                                                   PARTY MINUS ONE 

 I haven`t been more disappointed than I have been by my relatives. Basically they have thrown this big celebration party without invating me and my family. What gives? This clearly means that we must sustain only official business tone with them as they have to give us money in exchange for mutual property share. And after that we are so done with them!

                              NOT EVERYTHING THAT SHINES IS GOLD

 The only neighbours we are sharing a fence with (the bad ones who wanted to take half our yard by falsification) are experiencing financial troubles. They used to call us poor and treat us bad. I thought they had more money than they actually apparently have. It`s true one of the their kids is going to a private school. The question is - is his sister going to go to a private school too later on? I doubt that they will have the money to afford it. They have sold one of their two cars and bought a very cheap one. And especially after all the renovation they did just to be noticed... It seems to me that luck has turned its back on them these days.

                                BEING FAMOUS AMONG THE FAMOUS

 A lot of famous people in my country have been visiting my facebook page. I`m talking journalists, footballers, actors, etc. I won`t say a name but there is one very famous footballer who is currently in another country and whose name was involved in a sex scandal with a university student in the internet. People even made that discovery like a joke. Another footballer even chatted with me for a while. Overall famous people are kind of strange. They come and go but overall there is nothing inhuman about them - only, perhaps, the fact that they are famous.


 I like being anonymous in facebook. I changed my name so people from my past won`t find me... I hope this technique works and I hope that I applied it for the best. However even anonymous my profile is interesting to famous people.

                                              TIME FOR GROWTH

 According to my horoscope it`s my time to grow. The stars are very favourable towards me and I`m very pleased with this information.

                                           WHO STOLE NOTHING? WHO WHO WHO 

 There was a break-in in our industrial building a few months ago. Nothing was taken, of course, because there was nothing of great value there. At least not for the theives. So they left things as they were and a cigar fag on the ground. From a type of cigars that my mother didn`t smoke then. They were probably looking for my dad`s cutter and other machinery that they could sell after.
 This week I`ve learned who were the people who have broken in. They are our neighbours. I wasn`t very shocked by one of the names. However the other name is the name of a person whose cousin is married to the mayor of our town! That`s the shock. It`s only a matter of time befre they screw up again. They are up to no good.                                            

                                                    WATCHING 'LOST GIRL'

 The show is very compelling. It makes you want to watch yet another episode after you finish one. It is like the show 'Lucifer' but the main character is a woman and there is far more supernatural details in it. I like the concept in both shows. I can`t wait for the second season of 'Lucifer'. I`m hoping for a good season. Currently, I`m on season 2 in 'Lost Girl'.


Unbearable to hold

 Unbearable to hold A secret that destroys Unbearable thoughts But nowhere to run A prisoner in this life A warrior of the light Without win...