сряда, 17 януари 2018 г.

Food you should stop eating

 Today I embarked on a very hard task. I am changing what I eat drastically. I believe the unhealthy food I`ve been eating so far has made my body very sick. I won`t get into much detail about that but I want to show you why you may feel sick as well. This article is dedicated to all the food which is extremely unhealthy and you should stop eating right away.

 1. Processed meat. All kinds of meat. 

 I`m not saying you should become a vegetarian overnight. But meat nowadays is full of all kinds of antibiotics which cause very unpleasant problems for the human body. You may experience antibiotic resistance as well later on. My bet is that the meat you buy from the store is what causes your health issues. If you don`t own a farm and you have no idea what the cows or the pork you`re eating have eaten before that, you better not taste it at all. This is why I decided to become a vegetarian. 

2. White bread!!!

 I probably can`t stress this enough, but white bread is bad not only for people with diabetes. It is hardly such a portion of food with which you can fully satisfy your hunger. Why? Because it fastly rises your blood sugar levels and then they drop again very fast which makes it impossible for you to feel really full. It also contains gluten which is yet another unpleasant thing. Gluten sticks in your stomach and stays there for longer than you would prefer. 

3. Coffee!?

 If you want your health back, stop drinking coffee! If you are taking any kind of medication and drinking coffee at the same time, it`s almost like you haven`t taken any medication. It negates all the positives of the other things you`re eating and drinking too. It uses up your vitamin C and other minerals in your system. Being addicted to caffeine is not a joke and you should consider quitting on time.

4. Sugar and sweets.

 While dark chocolate with a high amount of cocoa in it is considered somewhat healthy, all other types of sweets are not. Again, it is especially bad for people with diabetes, and also for anyone else. Drink your tea without sugar. Use honey instead. 

5. All types of sauces. Ketchup, mayo, etc. 

 They contain chemicals. Enough said. If you want to spice your food up, use natural spices and prepare what you think your food is missing by yourself. It is a great bonus that nothing beats the taste of a homemade sauce. 

6. Carbonated drinks.

 I don`t even feel the need to explain myself to that obvious point. I haven`t been drinking such drinks for years and I feel a lot better without them. 

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