сряда, 13 септември 2017 г.

New day new luck with a little bit of sport.

 I am very frustrated when it comes to making big and very important decisions. Today I have to update my CV and this gets me very frustrated as well. I have set myself a schedule, though - 9:00 am is for training some sport a bit or something like that. And since it`s not 9:00 yet, I decided to write here a bit.

 My mom is asleep right now which is very unusual for her since she wakes up so early. Today I woke up earlier than her and even had an early breakfast - the way things should be with me. So far so good you would say. But with no sport so far I feel soooooo lazy. Making a few exercises makes my brain and body work so much better.

 Usually I burn about 200 kcal on my crosstrainer. There were days with 300 and even 350. But 150-200 is optimal. I remember that I`ve started with 150 kcal when I first got my machine. I also don`t forget to eat enough proteins so my muscles don`t go saggy when I`m losing weight. To be honest, though, I`m not doing a brilliant job with this but at least I`m eating semi-well. My doctor told me that sport every day with at least 10 minutes of intensive training of some sport (almost any sport) is very good for me. Today I decided (like I promised my boyfriend) that I will include the weight lifting too. So now I should mention how much I lift. Back in 2015 (during spring-summer) when I used to go to the gym, it was 3kg/a hand. I couldn`t do more. It was hard for me. Now I lift 2kg but I feel like I can do more. 4kg will be challenging for me but who knows...

 And so I can`t wait for my mom to wake up so I can freely start listening to music and train. I like training to music. It has such an uplifting effect. And training at home has its benefits. No sweaty half-naked guys at the gym (ugly ones). No rap music (I`m mostly a metal fan) and most of all no cameras that watch your every move (one of the things that get me frustrated the most in this world).

 Since I sound so obsessed with my physique in this article, I want to share something else. I miss my blonde ombre. I feel like this was one of the best hair-styles for me. Back in 2015, I had it. I made it myself but later I had to go to a hair-stylist to make it better since I`ve cut my hair ridiculously.

 My mother just got up. Great. And it`s almost time for my routine training. I want to include the weight lifting after the cross-trainer for at least 5 minutes like a good beginning. Wish me luck. 

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