Certainly this is one of the over-rated products there are on the market. I`m not very pleased with it as it only managed to lose 2kg. I need more than this. It just stops working after a while. I realize that a proper diet is also required when taking this. It doesn`t matter that I was dieting. The results were pretty dissatisfactory. I give this product 3 out of 5. Maybe one of the good things about this product is its naturality. And it is good to remark that it is absorbed much faster than a regular capsule. However, if you need to cut more than just 2-3kg I certainly recommend you use something stronger. The other products in the same series are most likely not to work that good as well (probably).
понеделник, 19 септември 2016 г.
Lifehacks Part 1
30 Small Habits To Lead A More Peaceful Life
In today’s world, true peace must come from within us and our own actions. Here are 30 small things you can do on a regular basis to increase your overall sense of harmony, peace, and well-being:
1. Don’t go to every fight you’re invited to
Particularly when you’re around those who thrive on chaos, be willing to decline the invitation to join in on the drama.
2. Focus on your breath
Throughout the day, stop to take a few deep breaths. Keep stress at bay with techniques such as “square breathing.” Breathe in for four counts, hold for four counts, then out for four counts, and hold again for four counts. Repeat this cycle four times.
3. Get organized and purge old items
A cluttered space often creates a cluttered spirit. Take the time to get rid of anything you haven’t used in a year and invest in organizational systems that help you sustain a level of neatness.
4. Stop yourself from being judgmental
Whenever you are tempted to have an opinion about someone else’s life, check your intentions. Judging others creates and promotes negative energy.
5. Say ‘thank you’ early and often
Start and end each day with an attitude of gratitude. Look for opportunities in your daily routine and interactions to express appreciation.
6. Smile more
Even if you have to “fake it until you make it,” there are many scientific benefits of smiling and laughing. Also, pay attention to your facial expression when you are doing neutral activities such as driving and walking. Turn that frown upside down!
7. Don’t worry about the future
As difficult as this sounds, there is a direct connection between staying in the present and living a more peaceful life. You cannot control the future. As the old proverb goes, “Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it won’t get you anywhere.” Practice gently bringing your thoughts back to the present.
8. Eat real food
The closer the food is to the state from which it came from the earth, the better you will feel in eating it. Choose foods that grew from a plant over food that was made in a plant.
9. Choose being happy over being right
Too often, we sacrifice inner peace in order to make a point. It’s rarely worth it.
10. Keep technology out of the bedroom
Many studies, such as one conducted by Brigham and Women’s Hospital, have connected blue light of electronic devices before bed to adverse sleep and overall health. To make matters worse, many people report that they cannot resist checking email and social media when their cell phone is in reach of their bed, regardless of the time.
11. Make use of filtering features on social media
You may not want to “unfriend” someone completely, however you canchoose whether you want to follow their posts and/or the sources of information that they share.
12. Get comfortable with silence
When you picture someone who is the ultimate state of peace, typically they aren’t talking.
13. Listen to understand, not to respond
So often in conversations, we use our ears to give us cues about when it is our turn to say what we want to say. Practice active listening, ask questions, process, then speak.
14. Put your troubles in a bubble
Whenever you start to feel anxious, visualize the situation being wrapped in a bubble and then picture that sphere floating away.
15. Speak more slowly
Often a lack of peace manifests itself in fast or clipped speech. Take a breath, slow down, and let your thoughtful consideration drive your words.
16. Don’t procrastinate
Nothing adds stress to our lives like waiting until the last minute.
17. Buy a coloring book
Mandala coloring books for adults are becoming more popular because of their connection to creating inner peace.
18. Prioritize yourself
You are the only person who you are guaranteed to live with 24 hours a day for the rest of your life.
19. Forgive others
Holding a grudge is hurting you exponentially more than anyone else. Let it go.
20. Check your expectations
Presumption often leads to drama. Remember the old saying, “Expectations are premeditated resentments.”
21. Engage in active play
Let your inner child come out and have some fun. Jump, dance, play, and pretend!
22. Stop criticizing yourself
The world is a hard enough place with more than enough critics. Your life is not served well by being one of them.
23. Focus your energy and attention on what you want
Thoughts, words, and actions all create energy. Energy attracts like energy. Put out what you want to get back.
24. Assign yourself “complaint free” days.
Make a conscious decision not to complain about anything for a whole day. It might be harder than you think and the awareness will stick with you.
25. Surround yourself with people you truly enjoybeing in the company of
Personalities tend to be contagious, and not everyone’s is worth catching. Be judicious in your choices.
26. Manage your money
Financial concerns rank top on the list of what causes people stress. Take the time each month to do a budget, calculate what you actually spend and sanity check that against the money you have coming in.
27. Stop trying to control everything
Not only is your inner control freak sabotaging your sense of peace, it is also likely getting in the way of external relationships as well.
28. Practice affirmations
Repeat positive phrases that depict the life and qualities you want to attract. It may not come naturally to you, but it works.
29. Get up before sunrise
Personally witnessing the dawn brings a unique sense of awe and appreciation for life.
30. Be yourself
Nothing creates more inner discord than trying to be something other than who we really are. Authenticity breeds happiness.
четвъртък, 15 септември 2016 г.
Beauty advice 101
Dry skin
If you do not hydrate your skin, it will be dry, but during cold months the situation may even worsen.
If you do not lead a healthy lifestyle, it will reflect on your skin. Fine lines will rapidly deepen and wrinkles will appear much earlier in time than you thought.
Larger pores
Improper cleaning of the skin and lack of fluids in the body can cause your pores to become much more visible.
Stretched skin
Surely you guessed that uncomfortable feeling when your skin seems to be so tight that not only irritates but hurts. This happens if you do not eat enough foods rich in minerals and valuable substances.
If you do not hydrate your skin, it will be dry, but during cold months the situation may even worsen.
If you do not lead a healthy lifestyle, it will reflect on your skin. Fine lines will rapidly deepen and wrinkles will appear much earlier in time than you thought.
Larger pores
Improper cleaning of the skin and lack of fluids in the body can cause your pores to become much more visible.
Stretched skin
Surely you guessed that uncomfortable feeling when your skin seems to be so tight that not only irritates but hurts. This happens if you do not eat enough foods rich in minerals and valuable substances.
понеделник, 12 септември 2016 г.
Royal bedroom design
There are more things to shoe market you need to know
There`s more things you need to consider when choosing shoes.
2. When choosing shoes that are snickers or boots buy only ones with lining so that it doesn`t hurt when you walk. I`ve got a wound on my right ankle recently to prove that theory.
3. Don`t fall for the cheap shoes or for the overexpensive ones. Always look for the right quality/price ratio.
неделя, 11 септември 2016 г.
петък, 9 септември 2016 г.
четвъртък, 8 септември 2016 г.
How to be negatively positive around people YOU HATE
Well, I really hate my neighbour that hit my boyfriend. This happened 2-3 years ago but still whenever I think about it it makes me feel quite angry.
It was during the Christmas holiday. It was arund 20:00 o`clock and it was kind of dark outside. We went out to throw fireworks for fun just like normal people who are celebrating something. Well, it was a mistake to go out on the street. The neighbour whose family is very troublesome not less than he is came out with nothing else but his pijamas on, smelling of alcohol and shouting smut. He attacked my boyfriend, yelling at him. I tried to stop him but couldn`t. I froze. I haven`t been able to help my boyfriend which I regret to this day. My boyfriend was quite shocked too. He took a punch towards his left chest area where his heart was. I was really scared for him. After a few seconds of this the mother of the idiot came to collect her freak from the street. And all was over.
My father adviced us not to press charges because he`s been dealing with this family long ago - before even I was born. They are morons that think raw power can give them dominance over others. All his life my father has suffered too. But if he was out that night he would have beaten up the idiot and they know it very well.
I`m ranting about that story now to share my experience with people I hate. I found a way how to partially get back at him. Today I saw the idiot roaming about in the center of my town and in the mini market store my mom and I went to. I called him "damn idiot". Then after that he was still around but this time I said: "Is that idiot still around?!" After hearing this he turned around to look at me. By the way I forgot to mention that ever since the accident on that unlucky holiday night he`s been looking over his shoulder as if he expects an attack from us. He probably thinks (if this is called thinking at all) that we are like them.
The best revenge I`ve come up so far with is living well. I know it sounds trivial. You should constantly remind them of their mistakes. Spread the word if you must, raise awareness. His family extends to two houses close in proximity to ours, one of which we share a fence with (unfortuantely).
However, no matter how grave this experience was for my boyfriend and I and my family as a whole, I learned something from it. I saw the true face of idiocy. I learned what kind of bad people there can be in the world. And in spite of them, we are ready to establish our peaceful living no matter how much they`ll hate that. Because, for a fact, I know they will. And, guess what, I`m even counting on it.
For me, there`s no greater motivation than proving others they are wrong. I want to prove something to the idiots next door. Maybe it`s pointless of an exercise doomed to failure, but at least I `ll try. I won`t let my life be darkened forever just because such an excuse of a person such as the guy who hit my boyfriend tried to make us subject to his (its) idiocy. We are not really trying to mess with their business and we pretty much want the same from them.
Now is the time to mention the other house and its inhabitants. His (its) aunt lives there. She tried to take our land by falsifying some documents. But thanks to her big mouth (she said to other neighbour she`s going to build a garage there) her plan was discovered and so by presenting real documentation we returned our land.
I told myself I won`t fall on their level and calling anybody with names but I`ve just had enough of it. And, to be honest, I felt much better. Sometimes following your heart and instincts is the best thing to do.
P.S. My last cat died recently and I really don`t know whether it`s been poisoned or not. My guess is that it may have been. And by them. A lot of animal death is happening. Even in the past when my dad used to have a dog someone has poisoned it (for sure). I have every right to be angry. But, like I said, all in good time. I have money to receive (not a small sum) with which I`m planning to do some changes around my house in order to prevent them from hurting me or any of my family members ever again. They can go to hell.
P.P.S. I decided that I can`t have cats or any other pets that are exposed to their evilness. It`s way too risky and frankly it brings me a lot of pain when they die. The last cat I had was brought to my home by my boyfriend who loved her not less than I did. I`m sure she`s in a good place right now, because it was the sweetest cat ever. Rest in peace, Suzie!
It was during the Christmas holiday. It was arund 20:00 o`clock and it was kind of dark outside. We went out to throw fireworks for fun just like normal people who are celebrating something. Well, it was a mistake to go out on the street. The neighbour whose family is very troublesome not less than he is came out with nothing else but his pijamas on, smelling of alcohol and shouting smut. He attacked my boyfriend, yelling at him. I tried to stop him but couldn`t. I froze. I haven`t been able to help my boyfriend which I regret to this day. My boyfriend was quite shocked too. He took a punch towards his left chest area where his heart was. I was really scared for him. After a few seconds of this the mother of the idiot came to collect her freak from the street. And all was over.
My father adviced us not to press charges because he`s been dealing with this family long ago - before even I was born. They are morons that think raw power can give them dominance over others. All his life my father has suffered too. But if he was out that night he would have beaten up the idiot and they know it very well.
I`m ranting about that story now to share my experience with people I hate. I found a way how to partially get back at him. Today I saw the idiot roaming about in the center of my town and in the mini market store my mom and I went to. I called him "damn idiot". Then after that he was still around but this time I said: "Is that idiot still around?!" After hearing this he turned around to look at me. By the way I forgot to mention that ever since the accident on that unlucky holiday night he`s been looking over his shoulder as if he expects an attack from us. He probably thinks (if this is called thinking at all) that we are like them.
The best revenge I`ve come up so far with is living well. I know it sounds trivial. You should constantly remind them of their mistakes. Spread the word if you must, raise awareness. His family extends to two houses close in proximity to ours, one of which we share a fence with (unfortuantely).
However, no matter how grave this experience was for my boyfriend and I and my family as a whole, I learned something from it. I saw the true face of idiocy. I learned what kind of bad people there can be in the world. And in spite of them, we are ready to establish our peaceful living no matter how much they`ll hate that. Because, for a fact, I know they will. And, guess what, I`m even counting on it.
For me, there`s no greater motivation than proving others they are wrong. I want to prove something to the idiots next door. Maybe it`s pointless of an exercise doomed to failure, but at least I `ll try. I won`t let my life be darkened forever just because such an excuse of a person such as the guy who hit my boyfriend tried to make us subject to his (its) idiocy. We are not really trying to mess with their business and we pretty much want the same from them.
Now is the time to mention the other house and its inhabitants. His (its) aunt lives there. She tried to take our land by falsifying some documents. But thanks to her big mouth (she said to other neighbour she`s going to build a garage there) her plan was discovered and so by presenting real documentation we returned our land.
I told myself I won`t fall on their level and calling anybody with names but I`ve just had enough of it. And, to be honest, I felt much better. Sometimes following your heart and instincts is the best thing to do.
P.S. My last cat died recently and I really don`t know whether it`s been poisoned or not. My guess is that it may have been. And by them. A lot of animal death is happening. Even in the past when my dad used to have a dog someone has poisoned it (for sure). I have every right to be angry. But, like I said, all in good time. I have money to receive (not a small sum) with which I`m planning to do some changes around my house in order to prevent them from hurting me or any of my family members ever again. They can go to hell.
P.P.S. I decided that I can`t have cats or any other pets that are exposed to their evilness. It`s way too risky and frankly it brings me a lot of pain when they die. The last cat I had was brought to my home by my boyfriend who loved her not less than I did. I`m sure she`s in a good place right now, because it was the sweetest cat ever. Rest in peace, Suzie!
събота, 3 септември 2016 г.
Yet another thing I`ll buy and some advice on shoes
With the upcoming autumn we ought to be prepared!
Comfortable shoes for rainy days. My mom and I are getting the same kind of shoes. Twinsies! :)
My runners are of fabric and my mom`s autumn pair just wouldn`t do for this year - they are heavily damaged. That`s why we decided to buy them. They may not look smashing but I`m not buying them to be vain. I`m buying them to get through the autumn rain without much headache.
Comfortable shoes for rainy days. My mom and I are getting the same kind of shoes. Twinsies! :)
My runners are of fabric and my mom`s autumn pair just wouldn`t do for this year - they are heavily damaged. That`s why we decided to buy them. They may not look smashing but I`m not buying them to be vain. I`m buying them to get through the autumn rain without much headache.
This reminds me to give you some advice on runners - if you don`t need them exclusively for sport, don`t buy them fabric. Believe me, you`ll regret it if you do. It doesn`t matter whether they are designer's or not. Mine are Adidas. They get damaged after a short time. You need something of leather.
L`Oreal Youth Code - Rejuvenating Anti-wrinkle Concentrate PRODUCT REVIEW
First off this is one amazing product! My mother uses it and she is greatly satisfied with it. Her skin is significantly better and her wrinkles are getting thinner - it doesn`t matter that her wrinkles are deep because she is over 60 years old. The effect of Youth Code is seen almost instantly after you spread the cream on your skin. It works by filling your wrinkles so that it fills the gaps so to speak. Its texture is not the lighest it can be but it wouldn`t work that well if it was. The cream also regenerates and nourishes the skin - making it lighter where it used to be reddish. I give this product 5 out of 5.
Attention: Non-sponsored review (like the rest so far)
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