събота, 20 август 2016 г.

RASA anti-wrinkle night cream PRODUCT REVIEW

I believe that this product is the embodyment of the word "overrated". Its smell can be substantially improved. Its texture is very light, maybe too light for an anti-wrinkle product, that`s why it leaves the impression of having no effect. It does have an effect though, but to my observation not enough. I personally do not recomment this product. That`s why I give it only 2 out of 5

понеделник, 15 август 2016 г.

Feng Shui for absolute beginners

Feng Shui

 People usually associate feng shui with the ancient Chinese art/study of decorating in a particular way according to certain rules. I have already created an article on feng shui practical advices but I haven`t said much about its history and philosophy.

 Let`s review a short history of feng shui.  Feng shui simply means “wind” and “water” and together the words represent harmony and balance. This ancient art is based on the flow of energy or “chi” through the universe and its influence on our daily lives. The practice was first established over 6,000 years ago and is related to subjects of nature such as physics, philosophy, astronomy and astrology. Through the knowledge of Feng Shui, people are believed to be able to make themselves more compatible with nature, their surroundings and their own everyday life, so that they can make an impact on their finances, health, and emotions.” This compatibility with nature is accomplished by the placement of furniture and other objects in the home or office. According the Feng Shui, relationships, wealth, success and health are relative to the arrangement of our belongings. If the energy in our environment is hindered or not flowing correctly it can cause disharmony. This disharmony can be reflected by the use of mirrors and light-colored paints. Feng Shui aims to balance energy in order to attain greater happiness, well-being and productivity.

 For me this is a new way to found yet another source of motivation for me to clean my house regularly. It helps me a lot psychologically as well. When you have set the goal to make your house cleaner you develop good habits. By cleaning you free up space for the new good energies to enter your home. I am a fan of feng shui because I know it works. I have my own personal experience to prove it.

 When I started doing a bit of feng shui (really just a bit) it was enough for the good fortune to find itself into my home. It is said that first you must clean and then apply feng shui cures but even without the cures there`s no way you won`t see the difference. It may take some time, of course, but it`s worth the wait. Patience and harmony in decorating are key in feng shui. This means that you don`t have to paint every room in a different colour just because it`s situated in a certain bagua area.

Knowing the basic elements of feng shui is also important. They are: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. The neighbours in a neighbouring house as I`ve noticed have used too much red colour (fire energy) where their wood and water energy should have been most underlined. This means that they will eventually have money problems as fire burns wood and wood signifies money (just like water). Their elements are in conflict. The good thing for them is that at least they have an aquarium there. But imagine the stress for the fishes because of all the red walls (and even ceiling). This common sense has even nothing to do with feng shui. It`s just that - common sense. When it comes to painting walls stick to colours that will best match your furniture without being too dark. 


петък, 12 август 2016 г.

Health and beauty at once Part 1/ No to McDonalds

 Today my day started pretty early. I had to do some errands in the capital Sofia (I live near it). I was hungry after one errand and it was breakfast time already. I`ve made the mistake to go eat at McDonalds. Why was it a mistake? Later today (just a few hours ago) I`ve come to understand that they use meat which comes from animals that have been given antibiotics. From the article I`ve read on the subject I read also that KFC uses the same technology. First of all, they may have started banning the usage of such meat in their restaurants about a week ago but so far this covers only the US region which we are not a part of. And the most disturbing thing is that there are many McDonalds restaurants which still use this bad for the health meat. Eating such meat can cause severe damage. It is proven. After all, we are what we eat. I am thankful that I very rarely eat in fast food restaurants - once in every two or three months. I spoke with my boyfriend on the phone over this matter and he reassured me that this is the good news.
 So if you want to save some money - go buy tomatoes and a cucumber, make a salad and then eat it. It`s cheaper, it`s healthier, and what`s more - it makes you more beautiful. 

вторник, 9 август 2016 г.

New items to buy

 I`ve set my eyes on a few things I`d like to buy. Here they are:

Women Office Lady Career Slim Bodycon Short Wrap Dress Long Sleeve Mini Dress; Colour: Apricot

Fashion Women Sexy Long Sleeve Shirt Casual Lace Blouse Loose Cotton Top; Colour: White

Women Casual Chffion Harem Pants Comfy Elastic Waist Full Length Trousers; Colour: Khaki

Casual Slim Solid Suit Blazer Jacket Coat Outwear Women; Colour: Black

Womens Ladies Stylish Long Sleeve Lapel Shirt OL Button Down Slim Fit Blouse; Colour: White

Women Fashion Elegant V Neck Lacing High Waist Sleeveless Solid Career OL Dress; Colour: Wine Red 

Womens Ladies Stylish Long Sleeve Lapel Shirt OL Button Down Slim Fit Blouse; Colour: Black

Sexy Women Summer Casual Sleeveless Party Evening Cocktail Short Mini Dress

понеделник, 8 август 2016 г.

Thrift shops that aren`t so thrift

 There is something that I`ve recently noticed. Most people believe that if you go to a thrift shop you`ll get the best deals when buying clothes. Guess what. They are sadly mistaken. Some thrift shop that offer second-hand designer clothes often have higher prices than a regular shop on sale. That`s right. Be aware of that.

Unbearable to hold

 Unbearable to hold A secret that destroys Unbearable thoughts But nowhere to run A prisoner in this life A warrior of the light Without win...