вторник, 15 октомври 2019 г.

Capricorn card reading horoscope 15-21 October 2019

Love: You`re being hard-headed and don`t let anyone close to your heart.

Career: Your boss is satisfied with your work.

Health: It`s good to do a check-up with your doctor regarding an issue you have for quite a while now. It may be some kind of reproductive dysfunction or something else that is hidden from you for now.

Family: An older male member of your family (maybe your father) is very proud of your success.

Money and prosperity: Тhere`s something you want to buy - something big (perhaps a new car). But it`s not a great for new investments, although your finances are stable. You`ll be receiving money as well.

Advice: Dissatisfaction is part of life. Perfection is impossible.

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