четвъртък, 3 август 2017 г.

Lifestyle Advice Time

 Here is a list of things I slightly changed over a certain period of time in order to bring more positive energy in my life. The process was more gradual than one may think. These things can`t be done all in one day, so give yourself more time if you decide to do the same.

1. I cleaned most of my house, starting from the attic. The attic is where we store most of our stuff we don`t use on a daily basis. Some of the stuff I found there, however, hadn`t been used in over 20 years! I managed to dispose of many unusable things and I had to buy many garbage bags (big ones) so I could get rid of the trash. My mother saw how diligent I was in this work so she started helping me. Our storeroom now is clean mainly thanks to her.

2. Donating older clothes and cleaning your wardrobe. There are many charity organizations that accept clothes for the less fortunate. My mother and I donated some this year. And I have to say, I`m glad that we did it. Managing my clothes now is much easier. I used to have pieces I didn`t wear which were in excellent condition and I used to feel bad about not using them. These clothes used to clutter my space. Now at least they will be put to good use.

3. I sunbathe most often. Do not underestimate the power of the sun! Direct sunlight in healthy doses every day is crucial for vitamin D. Sunbathing at least for 10-15 minutes a day is a very healthy habit to develop. It`s also said that this is a sure way to get rid of negative energies because they don`t like the sun.

4. I go out for a walk whenever I get the chance. Going out for a walk is very therapeutic. Even 10 minutes around the neighborhood, especially on a sunny day, will be very good for you.

5. Aim for balance in your life. Do you feel tired most often than not? Or do you feel angry? Perhaps both? Then you need to reevaluate the way you live and how much time you give yourself to recharge your batteries so to speak. If you don`t get enough sleep, for example, this can ruin your mood for a whole day. If you oversleep and wake up very late too, on the other hand, it can make you feel lame during the day.

6. Shower early in the morning. There is nothing more refreshing than a shower early in the morning. Not even coffee. Especially when the water`s not too hot. If you don`t have the time to shower, however, try just washing your face with water (and maybe add some gel wash too - your choice).

7. Find a relaxing hobby. An artistic hobby such as painting is also very therapeutic. Collecting things is also another one you can do. Listening to music is another good thing you can do.

8. Read more. Less TV. Many people prefer watching TV instead of reading. The benefits of reading, though, beat watching TV at any time! Wasting time in front of the screen only makes you more tired and watching those commercials in which everything seems so perfect makes you feel bad about yourself. This is made with the aim to make you buy more things which you may not even need - most of the time this is the case. And the news can be so negative! Truly, they show only the bad side of life 95% of the time. If you still want to be informed, though, you can also read the latest news on the Internet.

9. Surround yourself with positive and like-minded people. This one is obvious, yet I still feel I have to write it down. There are people who only drag you down. They are jealous, critical of you and want to bring you down to their level. Make yourself the favor not to connect with them and avoid them at all costs.

10. Take care of your appearance. It`s a proven way to boost your self-esteem and make you feel better about yourself. You`ll be pleasantly surprised what positive effect a new haircut or a new piece of clothing can have on you.

11. Drink plenty of water. Water removes toxins from your body, it`s refreshing (especially during summer) and it helps you lose weight.

12. Stop overeating. It`s far from healthy to overeat. And, besides, do you know any person who is over 80 years old and is overweight? No? There you have it. If it`s not easy for you to stop overeating then try to read articles on the subject. As a matter of fact, I also have an article on that: http://bearoze.blogspot.bg/2017/05/how-you-can-stop-overeating.html

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