четвъртък, 19 януари 2017 г.

Business and real estate matters

 Business people are NOT just cold-blooded creatures in suits. They’re humans and have emotions too. This is what I`ve read somewhere. But is it true?
 Business is about making money. Working with money should involve minimal amount of emotions and maximum amount of rationality. 
 When your money are invested in real estate things tend to get a little bit more complicated than usual. You must know what kind of real estate you own or you are going to own. If you are confused whether what price you can put on your property if you are selling it - don`t hesitate to hire a professional. But remember that real estate market is a market nonetheless and your house might not sell right away. You have to be willing to wait for investment returns.

There is this old family house where my dad used to live in as a child. When the time for selling it comes, I imagine it would be somewhat profitable. After all, I really want to invest money into my own business or at least my professional skills more than having 2 or more houses. Don`t get me wrong - having real estate at your disposal is a great way to secure a future for your future generations but if you don`t have enough to invest into your own home, you`re bound to sell at least one of those houses. And my home needs more investment indeed. 
I can`t let my emotions get the best of me in striking real estate deals. So I guess, that`s why I struggle with sentimentality on my part. I also don`t suggest that I`m a business lady. Nothing of the sort. I just happen to be in the middle of fights for real estate and land and I know how things go. It`s best to let go of something that can prove to be a liability after time. Personally and financially. No matter what, you should sell something like that for less. Believe me, you will save yourself a lot of headaches. In other cases, when there is no personal pressure and everything is up to you solely, you are freer to act upon your gut feeling.
I have no illusions that selling houses or my parts of houses will help me become richer than I already am. If you aren`t capable of investing, even if you have 1,000,000$ then soon enough you`ll lose it.

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