четвъртък, 23 юни 2022 г.

Balea - Deodorant soft flower - Review

Its best quality (apart from the nice flowery aroma) is the 0% aluminum in the formula.

I was pleasantly surprised by this product. 

For its price point, it offers decent quality.

Definitely recommended!

5/5 stars


четвъртък, 16 юни 2022 г.

Raffy - Sofia Ring Mall

  One of the best places to go to ever existed!

  They have the most amazing ice cream ever created! 

  I am happy with the experience and the taste of the ice cream both.

четвъртък, 9 юни 2022 г.

Lycia - Hair removal strips - Improvement - review

  A nice surprise!

 At the moment Lycia makes the boxes with 4 wet wipes used after depilation. 

As opposed to previously when they used to sell boxes with only 2 wet wipes inside each box.

5/5 stars for the improvement! <3

петък, 3 юни 2022 г.

Balea - Magic Forest shampoo - Review

5/5 stars
It adds volume to the hair.

However, its best characteristic is the incredible smell

Magic smell by the 'Magic Forest'. 

:) Suitable! I`m loving this shampoo so much! <3

Unbearable to hold

 Unbearable to hold A secret that destroys Unbearable thoughts But nowhere to run A prisoner in this life A warrior of the light Without win...