неделя, 15 декември 2019 г.

The 7 most dangerous ingredients found in nail polish

Toluene - It is known to impair brain function, cause irritation, digestive and respiratory problems, and overall the list of potential problems is still very long.

Phthalates - These substances are found in many nail polishes. They can be harmful to fertility, also to fetal development, and are also endocrine disruptors.

Formaldehyde - It causes severe respiratory problems and allergies.

Camphor - extremely harmful by inhalation, especially for children.

Xylene - Causes burns, irritations, respiratory problems, and headaches.

Parabens - There is evidence that they cause allergies and are also suspected of causing cancer.

Rosin - causes irritation and respiratory problems.

Credits: shopthebest.eu

сряда, 4 декември 2019 г.

Signs you have clairvoyant abilities and how to develop them

If you have ever felt a strange feeling in a certain life situation or for a particular person, maybe you have tapped into these abilities. 
 Maybe it`s not just your imagination but rather you have clairvoyant abilities for real. 

Signs of clairvoyance

These are a few ways we can explain these strange life experiences.

1. Isolation

It`s interesting that people with such abilities need more time alone with themselves. This doesn`t necessarily mean that all of them are introverts. In fact, this is how they get in touch with their spiritual aspects and develop this ability of theirs. Clairvoyants spend a lot of time alone or in nature, and they avoid big crowds of people as that is draining their energy. 

2. Heightened sensations

Heightened sensations towards certain situations or people can be an unambiguous sign that you have such abilities. For example, if you often get a feeling that a certain person wants to contact you and then they do, that can be one of the signs. 

3. Warnings

If you receive a strong feeling that something is not right before the presence of some situation, that can also be a sign. 

4. Dreams

Some signs are based on prophetic dreams. Sometimes we don`t pay them enough attention until they come true in reality. If the dreams are very detailed and even repetitive, maybe the universe wants to give you very important information.

5. Psychometry

If you have been a guest in a particular home and you have received visions and strange familiar feelings, maybe you have felt one of the signs. If you also have felt a stream of information coming from a certain object in this home, that means you have been gathering information about the owner and you have been connecting with their history. 

 Source: Learning Mind

вторник, 3 декември 2019 г.

Garnier Color Sensations REVIEW

* The intense permanent color cream by Garnier is a very affordable and good product.

* It provides your hair with incredible shine (especially when it is daylight). 

* It gives extremely good coverage of grey hair. 

* It doesn`t exhaust the hair with many harsh chemicals unlike some other brands (Aroma Color for example). 

* I will give this product 4/5 stars because it is not entirely natural, however, I am very pleased with this color cream and I strongly recommend it.

Unbearable to hold

 Unbearable to hold A secret that destroys Unbearable thoughts But nowhere to run A prisoner in this life A warrior of the light Without win...